Giancarlo Fornaro and I called it "Caorlefornia" in reference to my home state of California.
My experience at Il Faro was amazing and I plan on one day returning to the city to visit the friends that I made there and the culture I got to experience. I
came to Caorle in the summer of 2007 hoping to learn a little bit of Italian so I would be able to speak to my family there and when I left I felt like I had absorbed much more than what I had planned.
The classes at Il Faro are great and the ladies do a wonderful job at presenting the beautiful language of Italian.
If you want to learn and experience Italian then head to Caorle and the language school Il Faro.
Simply amazing!!
Ora, come vedete nella foto, fa il pompiere a Loomis (California) e nel frattempo studia per diventare medico.
Auguriamo a JP tanta e tanta fortuna!
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